
2008-03-04 6:48 pm
本人將會在5月到英國留學, 在英國倫敦希斯路機場落機後, 會直接揸車到什羅普郡(Shropshire), 請問有沒有路線圖可以提供? 或者, 應購買那些地圖? 因本人已購買倫敦地圖, 但是, 亦不明白如何可以到達, 請幫助!

回答 (3)

2008-03-04 11:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can check on the map via http://www.multimap.com/ as I think it will be easlier that from Heathrow go to motorway M25 - M40 - M5 - M54 once when u get to M54 u will then need to check on A-Z (local map) for the exact address.

Its not so complicate when u r driving on the motoway you can always ask for direction from the [Service] = gas station

Good luck and all the best
2008-03-06 1:47 am
Email to bridgnorth,tourism@shropshire-cc,gov.uk 問吓.
2008-03-04 8:31 pm
where about in shropshire.shrewsbury,Telford ??????

2008-03-04 12:31:41 補充:
car rental in uk do provide maps. go to maps.google.co.uk/
type in heathrow and name of place you want to go .then will show you the
way to reach ur destination and mileage.

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