
2008-03-04 2:04 pm
但係件貨有問題既,第一,我一入電入去我唔按制個power handle都會自己轉,第二,個duster head根本入唔曬入去個power hanle度,最多只可以入到一半



回答 (3)

2008-03-04 2:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have recieved the thing that you had sent to me today.
but there are some problem with that thing; firstly, when i put in the batteries, it will spin itself without me pressing the power handle; secondly, the duster head cannot fit inside the power handle, it can only be pushed in half way though.
Can you please change another one for me?

以上係我自己translate的, 唔知啱唔啱嫁! 不過如果你就咁講呢段野俾哥個人聽的話, 佢都一定會明你講咩, 最多只會話你gramma唔好...
參考: 自己
2008-03-04 5:21 pm
Today I recieved the product you sent.

However, the product is defective! Fistly, after I plug in the batteries, the power handle rotate automatically without switching on. Secondly, the dust head cannot even insert into the power handle, it merely insert halfway.

Kindly if you could replace a new one for me?
2008-03-04 3:21 pm
today ,I was receipted that you sent to me .
but there are some problem with that ; firstly, when I insert the batteries, it will spin by itself without pressing the power handle; secondly, the duster head cannot fix the power handle slot perfectly, it can only be pushed in half way though.
Can you please change another one for me?
參考: just make correction :\ maybe it still hv another problems wif it :\ i hope its helpful

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