BIG HELP !!!!!!!!!!!

2008-03-04 10:23 am
i need you guys to help me change this writting to chinese and tell me if i got anything wrong ...

There was a distence explosion, then complete silence. It was evident that the poachers were still in the area. The intelligent reports had showen the need for urgent action.The government was concerned that as a consequet of so much illegal hunting, some of the magnificent animals would soon become extinct.Other governments had offered assistance to stop the defiant of the ilegal poaching gangs.Some people said the poachers were simply ignorance about the consequence excuse! Whatever the reason,it was importance that the rangers continued their frequent patrols, collecting evidence to prosecite the poachers.

回答 (1)

2008-03-07 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let me try.
There are typos here and there and there are some grammatical mistakes too. The logic flow is a bit patchy. Anyhow, I think readers can follow most of your arguements.

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