health and dental insuranc?

2008-03-04 8:56 am
**You can reply in Chinese,I can read it, just don't know how to type/write a lot. 1, any others offer dental insurance along with medical insurance? 2, I want the coverage worldwide,. 3, I do have the policies, but it'll be too much to type in here, I'll be happy to send the list, and just compares.
I just want to shop around and understand before I decide, since my health insurance will expired in May. Thanks.

Ibiza Clubber

回答 (3)

2008-03-10 2:08 am
Dental Insurance 是自行買的,通常是公司包。部份保險公司會有包埋入 Medical 到。
2008-03-06 4:35 am
1) 樓上那位已經說了 基本上大部份的醫療保險都不會包括牙科在內(團體保險除外)

2) 大部份的醫療保險都是世界性的,當然保費會比較高

3) 如果不介意的話可以幫你了解一下大概都是些甚麼

4) 醫療保險不建議隨意surrender,每個人的身體狀況都會改變,一旦健康出現問題,買新的保障就可能會有不保的情況

希望能解決你的問題,有需要可以再私下聯絡我^_^ (By mail)

2008-03-05 21:37:09 補充:
參考: By Myself
2008-03-04 3:30 pm
1.大部份o既牙科保障醫療保險都係唔包o既,但係都可以額外加呢個保障;2.好多o既醫療保險都會全世界cover,但係貴d o既就自然cover得越足;3.如果你係想知更多資料都可以send email聯絡我,我o既email係,歡迎你隨時問我有關o既野.

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