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India is a developing country. There are a lot of families in the country who can not afford a vehicle; and due to the size of the family (3~5 people), cost on public transportation can be as much as the operation cost of owning a car. If they have to purchase a car, their only option is old used car.
Since there are a lot of potential customers in this segment, and there is no new car out there for them to purchase, TATA developed a car that just have enough equipment for driver and their passengers to commute from point A to point B. TATA researched on production methods and procedures that will lower the production cost, which leads to a lower sales price, so that all the middle class and lower middle class can afford their own vehicle.
TATA Nano is the modern Ford Model-T and VW Beetles for the people in India.
P.S. A question for cthhh927. What kind of vehicle do you own by yourself, that makes you a "not-so-cheap" person? I am just curious.