
2008-03-04 2:20 pm



to Ericmais: tender較偏向"柔軟"的意思。 至於第二題,我只是純粹想知道英文的翻譯,對打情色電話沒興趣,OK? to Machine_hsieh: 謝謝你的回答,但是It's quite chewing應該是說食物很有嚼勁的意思吧? 若你有不同的見解,並能提供有力的佐證就更感謝你囉! 希望能跟大家在英文上共同討論切磋! 3Q!

回答 (7)

2008-03-05 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案

彈牙如果是講麵或飯的話有一個源於義大利文的形容詞 (也可以當副詞):
al dente: cooked just enough to retain a somewhat firm texture (Italian, literally, to the tooth) 煮到仍保有些許紮實的口感 (意大利文,字面意義是「往牙齒去」)
出處(還可以聽發音):http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=al dente

維基百科還補充了 al dente 還可以拿來講蔬菜煮熟了卻仍脆脆時的口感:"Al dente" also describes vegetables that are cooked to the "tender crisp" phase - still offering resistance to the bite, but cooked through.

可是麵或飯以外的食材彈牙怎麼辦呢?竊以為用 firm texture (紮實的口感) 也就可以了 (texture 本指視覺或觸覺上的「質感」,口腔感覺到的質感就是「口感」)。
因為「彈牙」其實是廣東話來的,在這說法沒侵入台灣之前本來就是講「有嚼勁」。烹調過的食物本來就是要變軟的,可是現在不是100%軟,卻還有紮實感 (firm texture),這不是「有嚼勁」是什麼?如果是「有嚼勁」的話,chewy 也是一個可以用的字。

不過不管是廣東話的「彈牙」或台語的Q,都在強調「有彈性」的這層意思,也都已經廣泛使用了,那就把「有彈性」 「有嚼勁」翻譯出來就行了。

我在搜尋 firm texture 的時候發現剛好有 “a springy but/yet firm texture” (有彈力但又紮實的口感) 這種還滿普遍的說法,光講 a springy texture 也行。Voila!我想應該就是它了。

The pasta/rice is very al dente. I love it! (這義大利麵/飯非常彈牙。我喜歡!)
I really love the springy (yet firm) texture of the beef. Yummy! (我超愛這牛肉彈牙的口感。好吃啊!)

「打電話」叫 make a (phone) call;「打情色電話」就叫 make a sex/porn (phone) call。sex 應該不用解釋了,porn 是 pornography 或 pornographic 省來的。「情色」有一個專用的形容詞叫 erotic,不過是較不低俗或有藝術感的那種。「情色電話」沒有人講 erotic calls 的,打這種電話還說是有藝術氣息,騙誰啊?

2008-03-08 10:42:27 補充:

2008-03-14 00:03:03 補充:
Whoa, 謝謝逸朗!也再次謝謝大家!
2008-03-08 8:38 pm

al dente的確是食譜上常出現的字,可以參考許多義大利麵或千層麵食譜
2008-03-05 5:35 pm
al dente 加一票 
2008-03-04 5:22 pm
use phone sex services

2008-03-04 09:35:52 補充:
I support the way to describe food in Chinese"QQ" as "chewy"


Side note: QQ Noodle is a clever play on words. In Chinese, to describe something as "chewy", you use the phrase "QQ" - the noodles at QQ are indeed "QQ" and live up to their name.

2008-03-04 22:15:31 補充:

三腳貓 回答的好好歐

2008-03-04 3:05 pm
You can say very tender!

Yummy is just unformal saying. Just means its good taste.
Like " Mmmm, It's yummy"

2. I don't know who you want to talk to, Usually you see the exotic numver with exotic picture on the magazine or on late night TV commercial.
Just call the number and someone will answer you, Question here is "Do you speak English"?
參考: dictionary.com
2008-03-04 2:35 pm

可以用yummy, 好吃﹑ 美味的意思~
參考: 字典
2008-03-04 3:42 pm
你可以說it is quite chewing
參考: me

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