✔ 最佳答案
1. We only can ship the product directly from China to Hong Kong, and then transfer from Hong Kong to your China factory. The price remains the same, and each shipment will be charged HKD$1000 as freight cost.
2. This order was cancelled by you because Cindy promised David she would claim the cancellation fee from the customer. Therefore, we agreed your cancellation. You may re-confirm with Cindy, and she shall be able to let you know the details.
(1) 我想您第一題的意思應該是,你們會處理中國到香港,然後再由香港到中國工廠的這種路線,假如第二段路程(香港到中國)是由客戶自行處理的話,那您就得改成下列說法:
, and then you handle the route from Hong Kong to your China factory.
(2) 由於是寫給客戶的信,所以我是用比較客氣的語法,會有would... may...這種較客氣的用字
(3) 她應該很清楚才對 -- 我寫成she shall be able to let you know the details.,意思是說她應該可以告訴您事情的細節
(4) 補充一點:can後面必須接原形動詞,所以can後面不會有shipped過去式出現