i have a back pain for couple months?what's this?

2008-03-03 12:07 pm
my back is very pain after i sat for a while. i also feeling painful when i bent my back. what 's wrong, can anyone give me some useful advise? thanks

回答 (6)

2008-03-03 12:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try some gentle excersising for the back and do some stretching aswell.
don't over do it ,
have some vic or similar stuff rubbed into your back.
see your gp.
oh and next time take short break if your in one place too long , even if it's just going up and down stairs once.
2008-03-03 9:12 pm
too much sex i reckon . seriously go see your doctor,could be cyattica (don't think i've spelt it properly) or something just as painfull.i get back problems alot, but i put it down to being idle and age ! fair wear and tear as they say.
2008-03-03 12:30 pm
back as in mid back or to the side of your back?
could be kidneys, kidney stones or so.
maybe suggest a kidney ultrasound to your doctor.

if it is spine related (mid back but radiating out to legs or buttocks or hips) i suggest you go see a chiropractor.
they are wonderfully well educated and thorough.

good luck.
2008-03-03 12:15 pm
This is serious, my dear. Pls go see a bone specialist as soon. You might have bone hurting your nerve, or a slip-dics or whatever serious. Just go get check. I hope its nothing serious, really.
2008-03-03 12:14 pm
u may have pulled a muscle..torn a muscle or have slipped ur disc in ur back, but u wont know for sure until u see the doctor. in the meantime i recommend taking ibuprofen for the pain. Maybe apply some deep heat spray too.
Once u have seen the doctor and have found out the cause, it may be worth seeing a chiropracter or osteopath who can manipulate ur back and make it better. hope ur better soon.
2008-03-03 12:10 pm
You could have slipped your disk. Might just be mild backache though. Go to Dr. and see what he says.

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