
2008-03-04 5:51 am
要做大約十分鍾ge 英文會話,有四個人對話

回答 (1)

2008-03-19 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Government of Macau Special Administrative Region Department of Health的優點和缺點

旁白:今日kadi 和 emily 去完(HEALTH BUREAU)衛生局睇完醫生之後,就上左peggy 屋企探矩


kenny:Hi, are your looking for Peggy? But she feels uncomfortable. Come and go inside.
kadi: OK Thanks.
emily: May we go inside and have a look on her?
kenny:Yes , of course.

旁白:她們入左她的房探望她,但原來她正在發高燒~ They enter her room and find that she is having a fever.

emily:How are you?
kadi: Why don’t you see a doctor?
kenny: I had advised her many times but she refuse to do so.
peggy: Don’t waste money. I’ll be alright.
kadi: You can go to the Health Bureau. That’s free of charge.
emily: Yes this is a Macau People’s welfare.
kenny: I have told her to go but she thought that this is troublesome.
peggy: beside of troublesome, appointment is needed. If you don’t have any appointment, You have to wait for a long time.
kadi: of course, because this is free of charge.
emily: I have just been there. I didn’t make any appointment too
kadi:Yes. You don’t have to wait too long.
peggy: but people say that the doctors only perform treatment casually.
kadi:~You must go to see a doctor.
emily: Yes. You may have a new concept on this.

旁白:peggy很不願意下,在kenny,kadi & emily 陪伴下去左衛生局睇醫生
幾日之後kadi 和 emily再就上peggy 屋企探矩

peggy:HI come and go inside.
kadi: You look better.
emily: this proves that the health bureau is not that worst as you said.
kenny:You all here.
kadi: Yes Uncle.
emily: Uncle, have you ever visit a doctor in the Health Bureau
kenny: No
peggy:The health bureau is not too bad, but the propaganda of them is not enough.
emily:Why do you think that
peggy:Because during the wide spread of the infectious disease, the facilities is not enough.
kadi:Yes, It is troublesome to have medical checking in hospital every time.
emily: I agree. But the performance of the doctor in Health Bureau is quite good.
kenny: In fact, there is free of charge. It won’t be perfect

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