有關chem mixing solution問題

2008-03-04 5:07 am
1.我唔明點解 1M既10cm-3 HCL + 1M 既10 cm-3 既NaOH 混合後會各自變成0.5M....

2.咁如果係 10 cm-3既1M HCl +20cm-3 既4M CH3COOH 又會點呢?

回答 (2)

2008-03-04 7:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
當1M既10cm-3 HCl + 1M 既10 cm-3 既NaOH 混合後,
由於 HCl同NaOH 冇增加過, 所以number of mole 係冇變,
而volume就變左( 10 + 10), 既係之前既2倍,
molarity 自然係原來的一半,


number of mole = molarity x volume

number of mole before mixing = number of mole after mixing with NaOH
1 x 10 = molarity x (10 + 10)
molarity = 0.5M

2. 條式就係number of mole = molarity x volume

如要計molarity of HCl,
number of mole before mixing = number of mole after mixing with CH3COOH

1 x 10 = molarity x ( 10 + 20)
molarity = 0.3M

2008-03-03 23:11:09 補充:
其實HCl 同 NaOH 混合後會有neutralization= =
2008-03-04 6:52 am
1. you have learnt MV(before)=MV (after)

no. of mole of HCL before= 1*10/1000

no of mole of HCL after= 1*20/1000

note that the total volume after mixed is changed, but no. of moles did not

2. no equation. the resulting solution is similar to the acidity of 10 cm-3
1M HCl

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