關於 Super size me 急! 快! 趕! 20點

2008-03-04 4:07 am
我地睇左 Super size me 之後 , 有d 問題要做 ,但係我個日absent

希望有睇過的 幫幫我 問題如下:

1.what is this film about?

2.which scene do you think is ther fummiest in the film? if you were asked to
played the role of the main character in the film, would you accept the
offer? why or why not?

3.what experiment does morgan conduct in the film? if you were overweight,
how would you feel? what would you do?

4.what do the school children in the film eat for lunch? do you think we
should ban soft drinks ,junk food in the tuck shop of our school?

5.what effects does Morgan's experiment have on his health? do you think
this film is suitable for showing in ' Healthy Living Week ' at school?

6.what messages do you think Morgan is trying to tell us in the film? if you
could make a film about HK people's eating habit, what would you include
in the film ?

好似有d長 唔好意思 盡答啦 唔該哂

回答 (3)

2008-03-08 2:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) The film Supersize Me is about why did people in America gain the most fat just eating fast food, and how they feel if they continue eating them straightly for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
2) I think the funniest is the beginning where children from somewhere else singing a song about fast foods. If I am Morgan, I will not accept the offer because this is dangerous and easy to get diseases from the poison that the food has (even though its not to strong)
3) Morgan felt sad when he ate a supersize meal one day in his car. And he throw up after finishing his fries and hamburgers. (Pretty disgusting to watch that point) If I am overweight, I will feel so terrible. So I will avoid to eat some fast food and some food that contain a lot of satuated fat, and I will do gym every day when I have time.
4) The students ate fries, pizza and chips everyday for their lunch. I think that they should ban soft drinks and junk foods because if we are not healthy, we might die with suffer and pain. Which I dont want pain forever!
5) Morgan's liver were damaged after 20 something days which is a painful thing and its really hard to recover it. And he gainned weight and fat and his girlfriend said once ONLY that when they have s3x, she has to be on top in order to have s3x. (please pretend that 3 is e.) And I think this film is suitable to show in a Healthy Living Week at school because this can show other people what to eat is the best for them.

2008-03-08 07:15:58 補充:
the answer for #6 is at your mail I suppose, and I wish you like my answers.

2008-03-09 06:01:59 補充:
and by the way, the 's is the word "is", just dont know why it change all of a sudden
參考: Supersize me and me
2008-03-04 5:46 am
1.what 是這部影片
2.您是認為哪個場面ther fummiest 在影片? 如果您被問對充當了主要字符的角色在影片, 您會接受提議嗎? 為什麼或為什麼不是?
3.摩根做什麼試驗在影片? 如果您是超重, 您怎麼會感覺? 您會做什麼?
4.小學生在影片吃什麼為午餐? 您認為我們應該取締軟飲料, 垃圾食物在我們的學校褶襉商店嗎?
小學生在影片吃什麼為午餐? 您認為我們應該取締軟飲料, 垃圾食物在我們的學校褶襉商店嗎?
6.您認為什麼消息摩根設法告訴我們在影片? 如果您能拍一部電影關於HK 人民吃習性, 您包括什麼在影片?
參考: yahoo聰明筆
2008-03-04 4:36 am

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