加ing ,ed 問題

2008-03-04 12:48 am
xxxing + obj +vo
xxxed +obj +vo
ed ,ing點用?當形容物件係死物時用ing,or ed?當形容物件係生物時用ing,or ed?


回答 (1)

2008-03-07 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
「-ed 」同 「-ing 」點用?
「-ed 」同 「-ing 」是屬於participle adjectives。Verb (動詞)本身並不是形容詞,但它的participles可作形容詞。而加 -ing還是 -ed (past participle)作為形容詞主要不是看名詞是生物還是死物。
記實: Past participle 用來形容receiver of feeling (感受的一方,通常是人或動物):
The marathon runners were very tired.
感受的一方是馬拉松跑手,所以用past participle adjective。
Interested people can sign up for the 2-day class.
感受的一方是people,所以用past participle adjective。
記實: Present participle 用來形容cause of feeling (引起感受的原因,通常是死物)
That game of tennis was very tiring.
The game causes people to become tired. 用來形容game,所以用present participle - tiring。
Boring speakers put their attendees to sleep.
雖然speakers是人,但是speakers是令人產生沈悶的原因,所以一樣用present participle adjective。如果句子寫成 Bored speakers put their attendees to sleep,即表示內心感到纳悶的演講者令與會人仕昏昏欲睡,和Boring speakers put their attendees to sleep解釋有點不一樣。

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