Canon Power shot G9 照片出現一個綠點

2008-03-03 10:49 pm
我用Canon Powershot G9拍日落時,經常在照片上出現一個綠點,請問爲何這樣?有方法避免嗎? 還是我的相幾有問題呢?謝謝!

The green spot alway appear in the same position in the display and the photos after I take the photos. But this happened only when I took the pictures under sun set.


The green appeared in both soft and hard copy. Is this possible for me to upload the picture here to illustrate the problem?

回答 (2)

2008-03-04 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you have sampel will be great!!!
But beside that, 綠點 always at the same area? Or the 綠點 can see in your display only?
If the 綠點 always in the photos at the same area.. I can say that, your G9 cmos sensor may be damage on ONE point... this look like LCD display or your LCD computer monitor call 死點, no choice... if you want to replace it.. I prefer you to get a NEW one... being the MOST experience of DC is that sensor...

Good Luck!!
2008-03-06 1:31 am
你可以找DC Fever 網站的 阮師傅 整,特設1 小時維修服務, 很多人找他的. 你可 call 佢格價, 電話: 9495 4694

高捷電業 地址 : 旺角西洋菜南街1A , 百利商業大廈 2210室(California Gym 樓上)

星期一至日 10:30am -8:00pm 年中無休, 免費檢查. 可即時電話報價. 更多有關資料 可去以下網站查看

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