睇唔到youtube的片 有咩方法解教

2008-03-03 9:49 pm
Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.

我試過uninstall左個Flash Player ,再安裝過

係指令碼處理 Active scripting 選了『啟用』後之後都唔得

咁有咩方法解教??? i want to see youtube please help thanks!

回答 (5)

2008-03-13 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Youtube 方面其實已經講左個原因:

"Wednesday, October 24, 2007
UPDATE: JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player.

ERROR: "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old versionof Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."
Users with ad-blocking software enabled may not be able to see videosdue to a conflict with our flash detection code and may see this error.Our engineers are still working on resolving this issue but it isexpected to be fixed soon. If you are unable to see any videos becauseof this issue, you may want to try temporarily disabling ad-blocking inyour browser or security software. Thanks for your patience."

即係話如果個用戶部電腦有用一 D 防廣告既軟件例如防火牆, 就會出現叫您 upgrade Flash 既情況.

您可以試下關左個防火牆佢 (特別係 Norton Internet Security 果個), 再重新起動 IE 就得.

2008-03-07 2:39 am
2008-03-04 4:34 am
你可以用RegistryFix 呢一個軟體
佢可以把一些安裝上的bugs,,fix 同 delete

2008-03-03 20:36:07 補充:
參考: me, web
2008-03-04 1:40 am
1.Windows XP Professional, 咩IE就唔太清楚

2.安裝的是flash player 9,應該是最新版本來的(在官網下載的)

3.之前有移除左個野叫ActiveX Control Object(好似係咁) 睇知識D人話的,但係Install過 個Flash Player都唔得,煩請幫幫忙!! thank you

2008-03-03 23:20:54 補充:

2008-03-06 22:11:00 補充:
you try to install a new IE version, i fixed the problem by using this method
2008-03-03 11:42 pm
一. 你係咩windows?用ie 7?
二. 安裝的是否flash player 9?
三. 有冇停用到flash相關的附加元件?

2008-03-03 21:19:53 補充:
如果你係其他網站都睇唔到flash的話,就係ie 問題!建議你上google搜尋下重裝ie的方法!

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