
2008-03-03 8:53 pm
要入香港會計師公會成為執業會計師(Certified Public Accountant aka CPA),有兩個條件:
1) 完成QP課程
2) 有關工作經驗四年.所謂有關工作經驗必須為與核數有關的工作,並非一般會計雜務工作

如上所說, 其實cpa認可的相關會計工作經驗一定要與核數有關??
& then, 需唔需要見工時問定呢間公司既工作經驗, cpa認唔認可呢??

回答 (1)

2008-03-04 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you should has a clear concept on CPAs. There are 2 typrs of CPAs in Hong Kong.
Non-practising CPA ..... usually works in commercial sector.
Practising CPA ( Practising ) ..... holding a practising certificate usually carrying a business under a CPA firm.
So, for admission as a general member, no need for you having working experience in a CPA firm e.g. working as an accounts clerk in a business or an audit clerk in a CPA firm. However, if you are going to apply for a practising certificate, then you must has this working experience in a CPA firm for 1 more year after you qualified as a normal CPA in HKICPA or a professional member in other recognised accountancy bodies.
You should give out details of your previous employment when you are applying a new job and your previous job description and your related experience relative to the new job.
For more details, please go to this web-site.

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