
2008-03-03 5:58 pm
meterials: soda lime
Boiling tube and stopper
narrow tube
wire gauze
red ink
麥皮虫 放o係支 boiling tube 度, 裡面再放 wire gauze and soda lime, 再蓋上 stopper, stopper 插一支有 red ink 既 narrow glass tube.
呢個實驗可test動物係吸 O2, 放CO2, COS 被 soda lime 吸了, so red lnk 會向內移動.

想問有咩方法可令呢個實驗做得好d , any 方法都可以提供, thanks ^^

回答 (2)

2008-03-08 3:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-用vaseline to seal up the tube

-一直control個temperaure by using a water bath( otherwise, the respiration rate would not be such stable)

-let the animal adapt the new conditions before starting the experiment!!!

-係 narrow glass tube的另一面做個control, 那裡不放the animal

-use NaOH instead soda lime

-好多d repeats and take the mean

-用黑色布包住放animal 的tube, the animal will be more calmed
參考: I have done this before
2008-03-03 10:55 pm

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