✔ 最佳答案
Actually... most 防潮箱 are the same... but before you buy this for your 老公生日 gift... you have to attention...
1. what size he need? many many difference size.. 40L, 60L, 80L, 100L, 120L.... it depend on how many "equipment" he has.. For me, I have one body, 5 lens, many DV tape, one DV video... I use 80L.. and just OK...
2. Can you able to carry by yourself? Actually... 防潮箱 most heavy and the size is big... are you able to carry by yourself?
3. Above brand name you mention is good.. but very very experience... you can try 惠通 or wonderful... my friend just buy one at Shum Shui Po...惠通 60L (DHC-60) ... $800 .... if same size for the brand name you mention... at least more than $1,000
For your reference..