
2008-03-03 5:34 pm
澳元 及 新西蘭玩 在 (29/2/08)下午開始拆倉,令其貨幣對撲換率急跌至0.93 及 0.79美仙,請問何謂 "拆倉"? 此對換率還會再次回昇到 0.94 及 0.81水平嗎?


回答 (1)

2008-03-03 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"拆倉" means positions unwinds. As AUD and NZD moved up from 0.9000
and 0.7800 to 0.9498 and 0.8210 respectively. Markets have accumulated a lot of long AUD and NZD positions. Before weekend, the speculators want to
realize their profits, thus selling AUD and NZD, 貨幣對撲換率急跌至0.93 及 0.79美仙.此對換率會再次回昇到 0.94 及 0.81水平.

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