
2008-03-03 5:27 pm

- 咁如果新加入新合夥人再退出呢2個情序可唔可以係同一日做埋?
- 亦或要分開做?
- 要唔要再俾錢?



回答 (3)

2008-03-03 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The suggestion can save you BR fee as the original one is till the end of this year.
For change of status from sole proprietorship to partnership and then back to sole proprietorship again. It is quite incommon for the change of partner within a day. How about a week's time. You can make the change of it in the form IRBR 64 together with the copies of HKID at the same time. No additional fee will be charged.
I suggest you go to the web-site for information.
.如 合 夥 人 的 變 更 會 引 致 業 務 由 獨 資 經 營 轉 變 為 合 夥 經 營 (或 相 反),則 須 將 有 收 費 機 印 的 有 效 商 業 登 記 證 一 併 交 回 , 以 供 修 訂 及 更 換 。
2008-03-04 5:45 am
正常你可以填表,但同日加入後馬上退出等同無加入。 唔知政府俾唔俾,不過你可以試。 一般加減合伙人不另收費,但銀行改簽名等就會有手續費。 今年財爺免收商業登記費,所以年尾續唔使俾,不過就要俾600蚊破欠基金。 希望幫到你!
2008-03-03 5:42 pm

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