特區護照與BNO 歐洲旅行問題 (英國學生)

2008-03-03 11:06 am
用BNO 簽學生visa 黎英國
Easter 我將會去幾個唔同國家
英國--> 法國--> 意大利--> 奧地利--> 捷克--> 德國--> 英國
因為一開始我係以BNO 入英國既
但我希望以特區護照去其他國家 (先乘Euro star去法國.... 最後從德國飛回英國)
我想問 如果我以特區護照進出英國時會唔會有麻煩?? (因為特區護照內無student visa)

回答 (4)

2008-03-06 12:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我都係係英國讀緊書, 用 student visa 入境, 可以同你分享一下經驗.上次我去 Paris, 首先o係英國用 BNO 出境, 之後入 PARIS 既時候用特區護照, 出 PARIS 都係用特區護照, 不過入英國境用返BNO, 係完全無問題既 .... 所以你唔使擔心..不過你就要帶齊2本護照囉 !!
參考: myself...希望幫到你吧~
2010-04-23 11:14 pm
why british universities for bullying ??? -- you will never able to see and got what the prospectus promised
why not friendly australian university for good education @!

scribd.com online doc site -- shortened URL >>

2008-03-04 3:17 pm
There will be a problem.! you have no hk immigrant departure stamped in ur HKSAR !!!!!!!!
why don.t you use BNO instead?
2008-03-03 2:32 pm
No problem!
BUT u must bring both and need to explain to Paris Custom, as in the world, only HK ppl can have more than 1 passport at the same time and use at the same time.

So tell them u r from Hong Kong, they will "ar...."
then tell him u have Student V in BNO fr UK, but SAR has more expemtion of VISA, so we HK people normally will holding 2 "haaaaaaa"

this is what they normally reply to me. Normally, enjoy yr trip!
So expensive to go this easter! u go by eurostar or easyjet?

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