
2008-03-03 9:27 am
有個人同我e-mail, 話想買我d貨
So kindly let me know the Total cost for the 20 Units of the Watches and Shipment cost via EMS Speedpost Courier to West Africa

Here is the Shipping address of my kids below :

name : Samuel Tolu
address : 48 Osuntokun avenue,Bodija
City : Ibadan
State : Oyo State
Coutnry : Nigeria
Zipcode : 23402
Phone number : +2348066587135

So regarding the payment i will prefer via Bank Transfer to your account

As this is also a fast and safest method of making cash payment .

So here is the procedure of how the transfer will be made

1.... You send me your Bank account Information .

2. I will sign and register your bank information for transfer for the payment of item

3.... Immediately the Transfer has been processed by my bank,You will receive the Transfer notification email from my bank

4... Once you got the Transfer Notification email from my bank,You will need to go and make the shipment of the item to my kids in Nigeria and send the Shipment details Including the shipment waybill receipt with you got from EMS Speedpost Courier to my bank Manager via email ([email protected] )

5 Once my bank manager has confirmed that the item been sent to my kids.They will confirm the shipment with EMS Speedpost Courier and remit the funds immediately to your account withing 24-74hours and you will be able to receive the cash payment from your bank account.

so the above are the procedure of how the transfer will take place y my bank ( BANK OF AMERICA)

So if you agree to the above procedure kindly let me know so as for me to proceed with the transfer of the funds so to your account.

These are the information Needed for the Payment Transfer Below:

Bank Name
Bank Account Number
Telephone Number..

Once i get all the information above, i shall go and make the payment Transfer if you agree my Bank Method of Payment........waiting for your soonest response.


回答 (4)

2008-03-03 9:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
用bank transfer 不很安全, 而且第3 點 Immediately the Transfer has been processed by my bank,You will receive the Transfer notification email from my bank 對方銀行不會發電郵給你, 是會通知你的銀行才對.

最好用Paypal 收錢, 確定你Payapal 戶口收到錢才發貨. 而且要求對方的EMS 戶口號碼, 對方自己直接支付快遞費.

參考: www.paypal.com
2009-01-22 5:11 pm


2008-11-02 10:35 am
2008-03-03 11:25 am
呃人架!千其唔好上當!我喺YAHOO拍賣都係賣家,成日收到呢D問題,唔好理佢俾Bank Acc No.正常外國買家一定有PAYPAL,通常都用PAYPAL付款.我問過USA D FD.佢地話外國好興呢D方法呃人,一係呃你貨:唔知佢用咩辦法你會見到佢過左錢俾你.你寄貨就損失貨!!有D仲勁,可以攞到你銀行D錢!之後報警都無用,拉唔到!!你再收到呢D問題,答佢你Only have PayPal,pls pay by PayPal.佢就會知難而退.

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