Do you think the British are on higher moral grounds than us Americans?

2008-03-02 7:31 pm
Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain sent Prince Harry to fight in Afghanistan for 10 weeks until his cover was blown. The Queen also sent Prince Andrew to fight in the Falkland war in Argentina. When was the last time an American president sent his son or daughter to fight in a war. Bill Clinton and George Bush sure didn't. In fact, very few sons and daughters of our lawmakers ever enlisted their children in the military. So when it came time to approve going to war, it is so much easier, because other people's sons and daughters were the ones who risked their lives, while their own children attended ivy league schools, found high paying jobs, or marry rich. This is one reason I don't want Hillary Clinton to become president.

回答 (6)

2008-03-02 7:38 pm
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No, I don't think that the Brits are on higher moral grounds, but I do think that the royals have a family tradition of military service. Therefore, when things go south, the royals serve as does the common man.

Our government has no tradition of military service for our high offices; I for one, however, do believe that the politicos would be less inclined to declare war if their sons and daughters were the ones going over there to fight and die.
2008-03-03 3:38 am
All people and countries are evil, or so the Bible tells me. But the rest of the world views the USA as today's Nazis, for our tolerance of Dumbya's holocaust on Muslims.
2008-03-03 3:50 am
In the first place we have an all volunteer force so unless they go into the military how can you send them off to war.The queen does not send anyone off to war Parliament does.
2008-03-03 3:41 am
mcCain was a POW - vote McCain and he help ensure america is hated even more
2008-03-03 3:38 am
once they take of their teeth they can talk
2008-03-03 3:40 am
So, only the reps that have children in the military are morally superior enough to vote on this issue? My understanding is that those did vote for the war. So therefore the war is now moral for all the leftists?

The best of America is not found at the ivy league schools, they are IN the military. Don't be discouraged ... we have our brightest fighting for us.

I doubt if any logic would appeal to our war is immoral crowd but another 9/11 might wake them up.

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