[15點] 沙田聖公會曾肇添中學 vs 保良局第一張永慶中學

2008-03-03 6:39 am

1) 有冇精英班?
2) 功課多唔多?
3) 老師對學生嚴唔嚴緊? 關唔關心學生
4) 邊科較突出?
5) 學生英文程度好唔好?

1) 功課多唔多?
2) 老師對學生嚴唔嚴緊? 關唔關心學生?

詳細答案, 不可從學校網站搬字過紙. thanks!

回答 (1)

2008-03-07 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
frankly speaking, 曾肇添中學is much better than 張永慶中學.
of course there is a elit class every form , not much hw but projects , teachers are fine , this school does not have a specific outstanding subject. for eng level, it is much better than 張永慶中學 as I have mentioned on the outset.

for 張永慶中學 ,I am not quite sure about this school. I'd better not tell you anything about this school as I may give you wrong information .

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