求凡爾賽宮鏡廊的簡介”” (10分)

2008-03-03 6:22 am


盡可能提供一d圖片"" Thx

回答 (1)

2008-03-03 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
镜厅(Galerie des glaces):又称镜廊,在战争厅之南,西临花园。凡尔赛宫最著名的大厅,由敞廊改建而成。长76米,高13米,宽10.5米,一面是面向花园的17扇巨大落地玻璃窗,另一面是由400多块镜子组成的巨大镜面。厅内地板为细木雕花,墙壁以淡紫色和白色大理石贴面装饰,柱子为绿色大理石。柱头、柱脚和护壁均为黄铜镀金,装饰图案的主题是展开双翼的太阳,表示对路易十四的崇敬。天花板上为24具巨大的波希米亚水晶吊灯,以及歌颂太阳王功德的油画。大厅东面中央是通往国王寝宫的四扇大门。路易十四时代,镜廊中的家具以及花木盆景装饰也都是纯银打造,经常在这里举行盛大的化妆舞会。
~~For English~~


During the 17th century, the galerie des glaces was used daily by Louis XIV when he walked from his private apartment to the chapel. At this time, courtiers assembled to watch the king and members of the royal family pass, and might make a particular request by intoning: “Sire, Marly?” This was the manner in which one was able to obtain a much sought-after invitation to one of the king’s house parties at Marly-le-Roi, the villa Louis XIV built north of Versailles on the route to Saint-Germain-en-laye. However, of all the events that transpired in this room during the reign of Louis XIV, the Siamese Embassy of 1685-1686 must be cited as the most opulent. At this time, the galerie des glaces and the grands appartements were still appointed with silver furniture. In February 1715, Louis XIV held his last embassy — which could be regarded as the swan song for his absolutism — in the galerie des glaces, one in which he received Mohamed Reza Beg, ambassador of the Shah of Persia. It was later revealed that the ambassador was bogus, and that the entire ceremony was orchestrated for the benefit of Louis XIV (who died in September of the same year).
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