成立有限公司,每年要做d咩架? (20點)

2008-03-03 6:11 am
我既大陸老死, 透過代理人, o係香港成立左有限公司,
代理人收費好貴, 宜家想我幫佢, 省回成本,
而且佢宜家o係香港冇業務, 但又唔想執左佢

省成本既方法, 我都唔知有咩可以省到
1. 將公司註冊地址改黎我度,
2. 由我做秘書,
3. 每年幫佢交 AR

4. 每年要交報稅表, 呢d野好似一定要會計師做, 咁我係咪搵個會計師幫佢做就ok?

5. 每年仲有咩要做

A. 係咪可以申請公司 "休眠" , 咁就可以省番好多支出架?

謝謝各位兄弟解答! 20 點!

回答 (3)

2008-03-06 6:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你個位老死真係無業務,佢點解要註冊公司仲要年年俾錢? 最怕你幫人幫出個禍!第一至三項係可以自己辦理,但第四項審計是要註冊會計師做,而業務不是你不在香港經營就唔使報,係間公司完全無做任何業務先至唔使報。 咁你又肯唔肯定佢響內地無用公司做嘢?第五項應該要交商業登記費。 休眠我唔建議做,因為做休眠要上政府宣誓,復業又要宣誓,仲要補回週年申報表,商業登記又無得免,咁仲唔係捉虫? 希望幫到你!
參考: 會計師
2008-03-03 6:49 am
For first three items, you can do this by yourself.

But for point 4, you must look for auditor to help u to complete the annual
audit. I am a auditor so if I can help you, you can email me directly.
email address: [email protected]

5. BR fee must be paid annually. For change of shareholders or directors or
other company secretarial services, except for AR. I can help you to do so.
2008-03-03 6:43 am
You are right. You can provide these 1 - 3 facilities to your 大陸老死.
4. As the company is dormant, for tax return purposes, you can declare in the tax return that there is no business activities carried out by the company during the year of assessment. If IRD demands an audited financial statements, then a statutory audit must be carried out.
Yes, you can arrange to file a special resolution of the company with the Companies Registry that the company is dormant. This will save you teh filing of AR.
See the web-site : http://www.cr.gov.hk/en/faq/faq07.htm

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