dslr 鏡頭重要 d 定 body 重要 d?

2008-03-03 5:53 am
想買單反正為 nikon 定 canon 而頭痛. 本人心目中想買 450D, 但看到 canon 的低價鏡評價不太高. 如果在 450D 上用紅圈鏡又會否大材小用?

本人想買 450D 是因為比較新款和輕. 而如果選 nikon 的話我會選 D80, 但 D80 已是兩年前的產物, 雖然用料和功能都比 400D 優勝, 但來到 450D 又怎樣比較呢?

最後如果選 Nikon 的話有什麼鏡介紹, 最好是多用途但鮮色和影像銳利, 請大家指教指教.

回答 (2)

2008-03-03 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Beside Nikon or Canon... I can answer your question... 鏡頭重要 d 定 body 重要 d.... 100 % sure 鏡頭重要d... (but either one also not include your 技術.. that why 技術 should be 重要).
Being good lens can get what the GOOD photos in... soft, sharp, if you have Canon MarkIII.. but use 28-135 f5.6 compare with 70-200 f2.8.. I think you know which one is better... Due to the lens performance, even you have GOOD body.. but still can't get better photos...
** NOTE: I agree 28-135 f5.6 still can take good photos at any body.. but if compare with some lens king... sure is another level.. otherwise.. no lens to have so BIG $$ level difference.

For your choice... is Canon 450D at the market yet? For me.. if I can affort, I prefer Nikon D300 .... but it really depend how much you can spend... being lens will never end release new products... and canon 紅圈鏡 is doesn't mean anything... even Nikon 金圈鏡 as well... once again... 技術 is more 重要...

If you have Canon Mark III or Nikon D3, it doens't mean you will take a nice photos...

2008-03-03 6:58 am

平平地一支50mm f/1.8都玩得過

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