
2008-03-03 5:39 am

回答 (4)

2008-03-03 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can call Manning Travel, tel: 23320282 to ask for the price, they r very good, i booked with them before! One more thing, they will tell you have seat or not! Last time i went to a lot of agentssssssss, everyone tell me i don't have seat for the price they told me before, but Manning travel price was higher than other a bit, but they have seat. I will book with them next time if i have $$$ to travel again!
2008-03-03 9:53 pm
以上果位朋友原本講得好啱,不過而家已經 full booking,只剩下午機,到東京已是晚上 9 點幾!!我都係啱啱去左學聯訂 4 月初,西北航空,包 3 晚東京市酒店價錢睇你住乜野酒店,我揀左京王 $4798
2008-03-03 6:53 am
你係去邊, 如果係東京/大阪, 可以睇下國泰機票, 而家有discount, 機票都係二千蚊, 自己再book酒店, 咁樣平過你買package
2008-03-03 5:44 am
你沒有說明去日本的哪裏.. 東京? 大阪? 北海道? 九洲?

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