
2008-03-03 1:53 am
通常housekeeping D staff有乜問題?e.g. service quality, 態度.....
English please

回答 (2)

2008-03-06 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
typical problems such as :-

skill level problem- language incompetent- procedures not followed+ cleanliness not maintained+ glassware not thoroughly cleaned+ bath tub not thoroughly cleaned+ consumable not replaced+ etc etc (see here)- good practices not followed
- compliance not adhered to- politeness not maintained- defect not reported
attitude problem- not proactive- carelessness- repeating mistake - laziness- rules and regulation not observed
ethical problem- not honest such as guest lost and found not reported- casual theft like taken away hotel property (small item)

### others pls do not copy my reply

2008-03-06 7:32 am
Managing housekeeping staff is comparatively more difficult than those of food & beverage and front desk. The reason behind is that room attendants work independently and scattering in guest room. You cannot easily supervise unless you walk around very often to check for quality and result.

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