
2008-03-03 1:49 am
how to train the housekeeping staff?? Please說明 clearly!!thank you

回答 (2)

2008-03-06 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
training to housekeeping staff includes these aspects
skills trainingattitude trainingcommunication trainingEnglish and Putonghua language
general training (about hotel operations)most of these trainings are on-the-job training
with coach/trainer showing the steps and procedures to them
and let them do it and practice until they get familiarized

2008-03-08 22:27:42 補充:
if talking about the details which should include
- ensure the setting of the guest room is in order
- ensure the cleanliness of the guest room during the stay
- ensure to meet the guest request on room supplies
- ensure the guest is satisfied with room services during the stay

2008-03-08 22:27:47 補充:
- ensure the mini-bar is filled up before guest stay
- ensure to check mini-bar inventory upon guest check-out and to report to front-desk
2008-03-06 7:39 am
If talking about training room attendants, basically it includes learning all different linens, making beds, vacuum-cleaning carpet, wipe-cleaning furniture, cleaning toilet and bath tubs and those skills to differentiate making a checked out room and an occupied room.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:13:14
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