bank reconciliation statement

2008-03-02 10:18 pm
[For unpresented cheques, this has been deducted in your cash book, but none in your bank's account. Therefore your cash book will have a smaller balance than that of the bank. To reconcile for this difference, we add that in the reconciliation statement.]


for unpresented cheque:
咁既然係cash bk條數細過bank條數既,咁點解要add o係bank條數度?

同樣地, uncredited cheque又點解要係less呢?


回答 (1)

2008-03-03 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Unpresented cheque : This is the cheque the company had been issued to a creditor say, for settlement of goods bought from it. However, the cheque received by the creditor has not been presented for payment. Hence, no debit appeared in the bank statment. However, this has been recorded as a payment in the bank/cash book. So, if you reconcile the book balance to that of the bank, this amount should then be added back
Uncredited cheque : This is quite unfrequent in real case. When the company received the cheque, it should be pay in to the company's bank account immediately. This is a straight rule of internal control that cash or cheques received must be banked intact daily. However, there maybe a timing difference e.g. Cheque received on the last minute and on the last day of a month has to be paid in to company's bank account on the first day of next month. This cheque receipt is entered into bank/cash book but will not appeared in the month-end bank statement. So, if you reconcile the book balance to that of the bank, this amount should then be deducted therefrom.

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