✔ 最佳答案
[小班教學] --- Small class teaching
[語文基準試] ---- LPAT, Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers
[互動教學] --- Interactive Teaching
[溫室中長大] --- To grow up in a pampering and over-protective environment, to be compared to plants being grown in a greenhouse.
[服務生] ---- waiter / waitress
[厭惡性行業] --- offensive trades (厭惡性行業法例就是 Offensive Trades Ordinance)
[一日為師,終生為父] --- A Chinese saying that once a person assumes the role of a teacher / master of another person, he is like a father to the latter for a life time.
[權威] --- Authority
[不聽老人言,吃虧在眼前] --- A Chinese saying that one will suffer immediately if he ignores the advice of experienced people.
[自我催眠] --- self-hypnosis
[小病是福] ---- A Chinese saying that a minor sickness often turns out to be a blessing.
[不可一世] ---- Extremely arrogant
[善惡之別,道德之心] --- A man's ability to tell right from wrong.
[好心做壞事] --- 英諺: The way to hell is paved with good intentions
[為他人設想] ---- Be considerate
[溝通之道,為人設想也] ---- Being considerate is the key to effective communication