想問下“你想點啊”嘅英文點講?THANK YOU

2008-03-02 9:02 pm
想問下“你想點啊”嘅英文點講?THANK YOU


回答 (6)

2008-03-02 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What do you want ?
What are you thinking about ?
2008-03-03 9:02 am
“你想點啊”:what the hell do u want
“仲有,你究竟冧緊乜?”:and, what the hell are you thinking 或 and, what the hell is in your mind
參考: hkslot
2008-03-02 9:25 pm
Whant do you want to do?
2008-03-02 9:20 pm
what do you want to do
2008-03-02 9:19 pm
What do you think? = 你想點?
What is your opinion? = 你有咩意見?

2008-03-02 14:02:42 補充:
What are you thinking about? = 你究竟冧緊乜
2008-03-02 9:11 pm
what do you want to do ?Please tell me .

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