
2008-03-02 5:59 pm
如果 aduitar 叫我造回Peachtree 既 journal Adjustments , 應該點做呢!


回答 (2)

2008-03-02 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的auditar(審核員)是否應為你公司做了有一系列Adjustements(調整數), 你應該跟據審核員的調整數在會計軟件內入帳, 這樣你年結數才會跟審核員一樣, 但詳細你最好問審核員.
2008-03-02 8:29 pm
Your auditors means they have made some adjustments to your ledger after the audit. They have enclosed an audit adjustment entries for your updating your last year's ledger in line with the final figures as shown in the audited financial statements.
So, you just input all the enclosed adjustment, after approval by your director, through Peachtree in the normal manner. Check for its accuracy thereafter.
When you pick up the opening balances in this new year's ledger, use the adjusted closing balances of the last year's ledger.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:29:38
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