online games

2008-03-02 4:32 pm
I need to do a project, the tile is online games, who can tell me what is Online Games? What the use of playing online games and the type of online games?

回答 (5)

2008-03-05 3:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Online games on games that you dont need to pretend someone else like Final Fantasy series. You can play online games with friends, and someone that you dont know around the world, like the world knows-maplestory and audition.

I wish this helps.

By the way, online games can be chat rooms with games. For example there is a chat room that I am playing and its online game because you still can play games while you talk.

So let me make some bullet points-

。Online games can chat with people while you play
。Online games dont need to be pretending someone in the game.
。Online games need to go online! (this is simple)
。Online games can be 2D OR 3D

I really wish this helps.. bye bye..

2008-03-06 06:49:04 補充:
forgot a bullet point..

。You can play with other different people in the world!

參考: , myself
2008-11-19 6:07 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]
2008-05-11 9:07 pm
你再玩跑咩 ?
2008-03-02 8:10 pm
GE online
RO online
and robot war online

2008-03-02 12:11:11 補充:
online game是網絡遊戲
是一種上網與大家(other people)一起玩的遊戲
2008-03-02 5:08 pm
online game是網絡遊戲

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