Participle phrase

2008-03-02 9:02 am
Participle phrase有什麼用途,怎樣用,有中文解釋佳

Participle clause


Tom being fat is a clerk. - Participle phrase 轉 Tom fat is a clerk Fat Tom is a clerk ok??

更新3: 根據以上網址 Present Active 變成playing Past Active 變成 ? Present Passive 只可變成being played Past Passive 只可變成played right?


Participle phrase 是否沒有present perfect continuous tense同future tense

回答 (2)

2008-03-02 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Participle phrase 係將兩個句子合埋一句,意思不變,只保留(1)個動詞,1個動詞轉做particple - 即一句保留原句,另一句轉做.Participle phrase

Relative Clause 係將兩個句子合埋一句,意思不變,但保留(2)個動詞

Tom is a clerk. He is fat. (小學生)
Tom, who (is) clever, (is) a fat. - Relative Clause (初中生)
Tom (being) fat (is) a clerk. - Participle phrase (高中生)

Participle phrase 轉時式做法
(1) Present Tense/ Past Tense
---(a) Active 變成ing (如play/played 變成playing)
---(b) Passive 變成 p.p. / being p.p. (如was played 變成played/being played)

(2) Present Perfect Tense/ Past Perfect Tense
---(a) Active 變成 having + p.p. (如 has/had played 變成having played)
---(b) Passive 變成 having + been + p.p. (如 has/had been played 變成having been played)

They stood at the corner. They were waiting for a bus.
(Standing) at the corner, they were waiting for a bus.

We heard the boys. They were shouting to each other.
We heard the boys (shouting) to each other.

The Children were amazed by the dome. They were speechless.
(Amazed / Being amazed) by the dome, the children were speechless.

The boys was frightened by the sudden noise. They ran out of the house.
(Frightened / Being frightened) by the sudden noise. They ran out of the house.

The boy had been walking for several hours. He felt tired.
(Having been walking) for several hours, the boys felt tired.


2008-03-02 22:28:42 補充:
Tom (being fat) is a clerk. - Participle phrase

Tom (fat) is a clerk. (Wrong) - 因為Noun 後面5可以放adjective
(Fat) Tom is a clerk (Right) - 因為Adjective 可以放係 Noun前面
2008-03-02 7:19 pm
Participle Clause is a clause with the use of the participle of a verb. As far as I remember, its use is similar to any adverbial phrase, modifying the verb of a principle clause.
e.g. Doing the fastest crawl he could, he was soon catching up with his friend who was doing the
"Doing" here is the participle introducing the clause "doing
the fastest crawl he could".

Therefore, a participle phrase is just a phrase with the use of the participle of
a verb. e.g. Seeing is believing. A good beginning is a job half done.

一般來說,phrase 譯作片語,是自具意義而無需動詞的。Participle 譯作分詞。那麼 participle phrase 就譯作分詞式的片語吧!
以 seeing is believing 為例,主詞和受詞都是動詞的分詞式,亦可當作
phrase 看。

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