AOL always attempted to update my pc at signoff time. Was AOL trying to spy on me with those "updates"?

2008-03-01 7:29 pm
When I used AdAware and SpywareBlaster to remove the spywares before I logged onto AOL, my pc just wouldn't log on. I had to uninstall AOL and then reinstall it to make it work.

回答 (3)

2008-03-01 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
AOL owns your pc.
There maybe a setting in AOL's preferences that you can change. IF they allow it.
Poke around in the preferences or look in their help/FAQ areas
2008-03-02 3:51 am
oh man i dont think so!!
2008-03-02 3:38 am
AOL doesn't need to "try and spy on you", silly goose, as an ISP they are REQUIRED BY LAW to log ALL your internet activity and store it PERMANENTLY in case the Courts ever decide they want to see where you've been, what you've done, and what you've said!

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