國泰航空公司 的弱點/弱項 (20點)

2008-03-02 5:15 am
請問國泰航空公司 有d 咩 弱點/弱項 呢?

回答 (2)

2008-03-04 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
- a big payroll for the big team
- strong union opposing new policies
- limited organic growth
- via non-organic growth such as acquisition of Dragonair
- cargo business strongly dependent on HK and pan-PRD economy
- still a British owned company and hardly able to easily do business in the China aviation industry

- mainly asian oriented cabin crew
- network yet to expand for years
- strategy not effectively executed
- need to deal with union
- not a flat organization

### others pls do not copy my reply

2008-03-05 6:57 pm
Destinations served 102 in 35 countries and territories, compared the Hong Kong others almost 60 airlines served to 120 territories, there have ample choice for the customers. Faced other airlines competitor from competitors such as Singapore airlines, Thai airways, they have lower cost in there countries. And Air China and Cathay Pacific jointly announce that they have entered into a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) stating Cathay Pacific’s intention to acquire a 9.9%share holding in Air China at the time of Air China’s IPO in 2004. There a mutually beneficial relationship between two companies such as in the areas of engineering, catering and cargo services. These events made predominated many opportunities to development mainland. The charge of the near region airport for example New Guangzhou airport, it lowers than the HK airport. It might threats the cargo service provide by Cathay Pacific. Nowadays some travelers want the cheap tickets, they chose such as the Macau airport go to the destination.
- Limit of its business in European countries & USA
- Decreasing of service qualities and occasion labour riots

- direct competitions from other new launched airlines such as (Oasis, Orinteal, Virgin blue)
- Not all ports in China are open for Cathay to land
- hight cost of petroleum
- increase cost of airport tax in some airports increase the pressure of adding price
- Terriost attacks embarked
參考: =)

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