Pharmaceutics 20 分!!!

2008-03-02 3:59 am
Hibitane (hostipal concentration) is 5%w/v.
An order of 500ml 1 in 10 Hibitane solution is ordered.
How to prepare the order?
What are the amount strength, ration strength and percentage strength of the final solution?

幫幫手 , 唔識計 = =''

回答 (1)

2008-03-04 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
You may use a 50ml pipette to draw 50ml of hibitane 5%w/v to a 500ml volumetric flask and up to volume.
For less accurate result, you may use measuring cylinder instead of pipette. Remember, don't use the apparatus for internal solution!!
The percentage strength is 0.5% (w/v).
Ratio strength?? 1 in 200.
P.S. You are a university student, you need to do it yourself. No one can hlep you in exam.

2008-03-04 00:05:07 補充:
you may be a high dip student.
參考: ME

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