chemistry(Calcium carbonate)

2008-03-02 2:59 am
如果將 Calcium hydroxide solution pass in Carbon dioxide ( limewater test ) , then it can form back to Calcium carbonate. 但是可以用what method 去將那時的milky limewater change to Calcium carbonate? 將那個solution 曬乾? heat up the milky limewater??????

回答 (2)

2008-03-02 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實當 limewater 係 milky 既時候
jie 係代表 calcium carbonate exist 響入面
咁你只要做 filtration 已經可以得到 calcium carbonate
因為 calcium carbonate 係 insoluble in water
參考: me*
2008-03-02 3:46 am
change to
Ca(OH)2(aq) CO2 (g) ------------------ CaCO3(s) H2O(L)

The product is CaCO3 water .So we can use bunsun burner to heat this.
However, there is only little amount of CaCo3.

So .......
After heating, there is only
small amount of precipitate. ( Not very obviously!)
參考: My self

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