06年比左既稅, 而家可唔可以退返?

2008-03-02 2:53 am
我05 年間有接近半年時間都唔享香港, 係咪都要照比?

如果唔洗, 可唔可以退返? thx~

回答 (2)

2008-03-07 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Accorinding to the Inland Revenue Ordinance, a person stays in Hong Kong
less than 60 days. He/she is not subject to the salaries tax in Hong Kong. As
you are just a half year not in Hong Kong, then you are subject to the tax
in Hong Kong.
If you were already assessed by the IRD for the Year of Assessment 2006/07,
you should lodge the objection within 30 days to figure out any error of
such assessment. If not, or more than 30 days, you are not able to lodge
the objection. The assessment will be finalized. In fact, if you really have
the good reason or ground to object the assessment, you can lodge the
objection under the IRO Section 70(A). But, this is seldom to accept.
Good luck.
2008-03-04 8:17 pm
In your tax demand note for 2007/2008, you will be deducted 75% of your tax payable for 2007/2008.
If you paid 2005/2006 tax , you should write all the information to IRD to ask for tax refund.

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