
2008-03-02 2:04 am
1.What is your favourite Olympic sport?

2.Give a short description of the sport and explain why you like this sport.

3.Tell if/where you play this sport.

4.Say how you learnt about this sport and how you plan to follow the sport

when the Olympic Games start in August.

回答 (1)

2008-03-02 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nowadays,Beijing Olympic is more and more closed.
We must value this large event.lf you ask me what is my favourite
Olympic sport?l must answer you that l love playing badminton
undoubtedly.why? first is is exciting.you can have a challage with
it.ot the other side,we need a partner to play togther.
l always play badminton in playground.lt is convience.
however,it is free and we don't need to pay money.
l learnt teamwork from playing badminton.
do you interested in it?


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