
2008-03-02 12:37 am

B. 喜歡.我最喜歡用水果來做沙律.


B.好主意.我們不如用Apple and orange來做沙律?



回答 (4)

2008-03-02 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
A:do you like eating salad?

B:yes,i like it.i like to make salad by fruit

A.let's we make salad together

B:good idea, let's use apple and orange to make salad,ok?

A.ok,we can do it in my home on this sunday

B:ok.i will take the food to your home
2008-03-02 12:59 am
A-Do you like Salad?

B-Yes, I like to use fruits for salad.

A-Let's make some salad together

B-Good idea. Shall we use apple or orange?

A-Yes. Lets go to my house to make salad on Sunday

B-OK. I will bring everything to your house this Sunday
2008-03-02 12:54 am
1.A:Do you like eating the salad?

2.B:Like. I most like using the fruit to make the salad.

3.A:Was inferior that we make the salad together?

4.B:Great idea. We were inferior that makes the salad with Apple and orange?

5.A:Good. We go to my family on Sunday to make the salad together.

6.B:Good. My take material goes to your family to bind.
2008-03-02 12:44 am
A. Do you like salad?
B. Yes, my favourite salad is fruit salad.
A. What about if we make salad together?
B. Good idea. What about if we use apple and orange to make salad?
A. Good. Let's make salad together this Sunday at my home.
B. Good. I'll take the ingredients to your home.

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