
2008-03-01 5:40 pm
Write a memo to your colleagues. Give guidelines on how the telephone
should be answered in your office in the following situations.

a answering an internal call
b answering an external call
c answering someone else's phone

回答 (2)

2008-03-03 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a answering an internal call ------- Good morning/good afternoon, XXX speaking ,what can i do for you?

b answering an external call ------ Good morning/good afternoon ,XXXXX Company, what can i do for you ?

c answering someone else's phone ------- Good morning/good arternoon, I'm XXX, YYY is busy now , could you mind leave a message and I will tell him/ her call you back later.
2008-03-01 7:02 pm

b 回復一個外在電話
c 回答別人的電話

我會回答 C ,接聽電話要對方姓名、電話、搵對方咩事啦...

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