我是由香港到美國留學的國際學生, 持F-1 VISA 於2007年7月入境. 同年10月與綠咭持有人結婚, 繼而丈夫為我申請I-130, 現為 PENDING 狀態. 我今年六月希望回香港過暑假, 九月才回來繼續讀書. 哪我有機會因有DUAL INTEND而被拒回美嗎? 近日發現原來PENDING CASE 若離開美國, 除非申請I-131, 否則不能RE-ENTER. 我的CASE 受這個限制嗎? (在有有效的PASSPORT, I-20 和F-1 STUDENT VISA條件下). 若果有問題, 我可以申請I-131ADVANCE PAROLE嗎?
I've studied in the US with F-1 student visa since July2007. In Oct 2007, I have married to a LPR(Permanent Resident, Green Card Holder). He helped me to file I-130 as petitioner. Here's the problem. I want to leave the US for summer and come back in August to continue my studies. Will I be rejected from re-entering the US even with valid student visa and I-20? Will the immigration consider my I-130 application abandoned? Should I apply I-131 Advance Parole?
grandtom, may i ask how do you know?