有無人聽過一間叫 INF 既 MODEL 公司?

2008-03-01 9:29 am
我個女朋友前日上左去. 搵佢既人叫 "ivan." 比左錢話下星期再影相. 有無人試過上去影相? 影完係唔係真係有 job 比你? 有無錢架? 有的話, 大概有幾多一個job???


回答 (7)

2008-03-01 10:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果真正的模特公司係不用比錢的,如果要比錢,就最好小心d,我覺得依家這些公司都好識走精面,我自己有一個經驗,都係要比錢影相的,之後佢有比job我做,包括影下報紙的副刊同雜誌,每個job由500-1000元不等,聽落好正,就做啦,但原來頭3萬銀你都係無錢羅既,原因就係佢話公司出左錢幫你做宣傳喎,介紹你比報紙雜誌,而公司無收你錢(宣傳費),而係等你有job先還返比公司喎(但唔係成日有job架!) 好啦,還晒3萬你先有錢袋,但唔係袋晒喎,公司又要收佣金,500公司袋200,你實質得300。時間,金錢(公司會要求你著o羊衫,化妝,佢無提供架,你自己準備) 我覺得 浪費左好多,結果未還晒3萬我就頂唔順佢,無再做,結果當然一毫子都無啦。哈哈,呢個係我自己親身經歷o既,我唔敢講你女朋友果間都一定係o甘,我亦唔希望佢果間係o甘,但希望你知道左不妨話佢知我既經驗,提醒下佢小心d,睇清楚問清楚份合約內容(影完相或之前會簽合約),或者你陪佢去啦,佢可能會唔多信人地講,一意孤行要試,你話佢就盞隘交架o乍,所以你當支持佢陪佢去,幫佢聽下公司講d野啦。
參考: 自己
2008-04-21 9:58 pm
我今日係中環又間叫inf叫我上去佢公司, 我拒絕左, 仲用非常老土既對白問我係咪拍過野, 我想問你地見到個個人係唔係四眼曲髮呀?
2008-04-05 11:19 pm


2008-04-08 14:17:02 補充:


2008-04-13 14:55:44 補充:

2008-04-03 7:02 am

2008-04-03 19:59:01 補充:
我今日去咗.....ivan 唔係到... 另外一個人接待我..
nothing special.. filling the form , and take some photo...and vidieo
well.... wait and see .....

2008-04-07 19:42:01 補充:
babyt0126: thier office is so small


he called me to go up his office, to be measured, because he has a job. andthen when i got up there, he start talking... talking and talking

2008-04-07 19:43:07 補充:
i have gave some pic to him on the 1st time, but he said he CANNOT use those pic because it is not PROFESSTIONAL enough lor(he didnt say it on the phone).

he said he needs a new and more professtional pic lor, and he keep asking me when will i can give him I said not sure i have to arrange it la

2008-04-07 19:43:20 補充:
HE SAID so will you give me pic or not
(very 重0既sound...) and i said i dont really dont know.. i have to call my fd and ask becuase one of my fd is a photogarpher .... and he starts to ....piss off...

2008-04-07 19:45:34 補充:
he said how much will it cost you to take a pic with my fd i said few thousand la
he Said that is too exspensive la if i introduce it will cost only 1000 to 2000

AS Cat said it is the exactly same priciple lor and as i know from my fd (photographer) he is not

2008-04-07 19:45:44 補充:
actually introduce lor they have sort of arrangement with the 影樓like 7 8 分脹

and 1000-2000 CANNOT take very very good pic lor! wedding photo 都要 over 10 000 la

lastly .. OF CAUSE i didnt give him money la $$$$$ ...不歡而散

2008-04-07 19:45:52 補充:
P.S it is ture that model have to provide it own com card or photo to the agency,
but IF you are NOT really a MODEL MATERIAL.. PLS dont waste you momey and time for this ...
BUT if you are a MODEL MATERIAL pls GO a more professional model agency like Elite
2008-03-26 8:54 pm
that IVAN found me twice too. I rejected him once last week and he called me again this week.
Does this company exist? because I asked for his name card and website .. but he said he does not have it.
Very weird lor because he forces me to go to his office to take pictures.

2008-03-26 18:07:51 補充:
i didn't go ar. because he always say he is urgent.. but i don't understand how urgent lor. and force me to go immediately lor. like i said next time sin go.. he said cannot lor.... chi sin ...
and i dunno what he will do with my pictures and video ga ma ..
2008-03-20 6:05 am
我女朋友最終都無去到. 但係佢地就到依家都仲成日打比佢要佢上去影番輯相....

係啦~ 你個朋友有無比過錢佢地?

2008-03-25 21:50:11 補充:
係? 咁佢地仲有無叫你朋友去影樓影多輯相呀?

2008-04-03 22:12:05 補充:
Angel: 第一次梗係唔駛俾錢,我女朋友第一次都被佢騙到,第二次連身份證號碼都俾埋佢,仲好順口甘叫佢俾錢!你到時就無辦法推,因為佢講野太快,你無機會諗野!

2008-04-11 23:42:57 補充:
joyce: 咁打比你個女仔係唔係姓張架???
2008-03-20 5:36 am
hey... any news?

2008-03-24 23:43:59 補充:
hihi... very happy to get ur reply!~

佢淨係上左去一次, 拍左個自我介紹咁上下既video 喎~
問佢有冇影過相, 佢就話冇....
(我覺得有d 奇怪囉... 點會唔使影相既~)

係唔係因為你女朋友冇拒絕, 所以到而家都仍然打黎叫佢影番輯相呀?
咁樣, 又真係幾煩喎!~

2008-03-26 16:05:48 補充:
IVAN 有叫佢上去, 好似話有JOB比佢, 上去傾DETAILS 喎...
但我個朋友未上去, 所以都唔知係唔係呃人...

BABYT126... 你有冇上過去CASTING呀?

forces you to go his office to take pic? i think you should go there with at least one of your friend. and shouldnt bring any credit cards ar.. i also told my friend like that....

2008-03-26 19:42:50 補充:
yes... my friend also said he seems very urgent and 串...~

我都叫我個FD 唔好上去... 我唔信佢地搵唔到女仔囉...
yes... agree with u... will you go there?

2008-03-28 09:53:30 補充:
......block his ID? oo.. poor guy..
my fd said he didnt wor...
then how can u refuse him ar?

jason_lai1210 ... how's ur gf? still contact with that guy?

2008-03-31 22:47:37 補充:
佢同ivan 講, 話busy,
咁ivan 就話, 過左呢段時間, 就要到8月先有job 喎~
咁我個fd 又真係冇時間上去既...

之後就冇再call 我個fd 喇~

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