can anyone recommend a cheap, easy install cctv package. thanks?

2008-02-29 3:53 pm
i am a asia and a single mum living along with my children. i detected people in my living area discriminate against me. especially the house opposite to mime is a gang den. they came to stole one of my new car trims yesterday at around 2pm. it was day time and on a busy road but no one stop them or came to told me.
i couldn't sleep last night because i am worried about my family safety. my children are very young.
i would like to put a cctv to check out the front door and check my car safety.
but i wasn't working, only have very limit money.
can anyone recommend a cheap, easy install cctv package to me. thanks.

回答 (4)

2008-03-03 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try aldi , netto , they both do cctv for around £20 for black and white camera very easy to install , you just plug scart into tv.
colour cameras cost around £40 - £50 try argos or b&q
hope this helps
2016-09-29 1:51 pm
Ewwwwwwwwwww would you quite need to make certain gordon brown getting jiggy with it ? The strategies boggles on the theory-approximately it ...... ( strolling away promptly sticking my arms down my throat )
2008-03-04 9:52 am
go to or give them a call they can help
2008-02-29 4:01 pm
Aldi have one in at the moment

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