the people in my living area discriminate against me. what should i do?

2008-02-29 3:39 pm
i am a asian and single mum live along with my children. i detected the people in my living area discriminate against me and my children. a boy opposite to mine stole one of my new brought car trims yesterday at around 2pm. it was day time and on a busy road should be someone saw him but no body stop him or told me. i couldn't sleep last night becose i was concerned they would come to do something bad to me or my children.
i am worried about me and my children safety. the house opposite to mine is a gang den. what should i do?

回答 (12)

2008-02-29 3:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
single parent hood is extremely difficult and my hats off to anyone who can. Living in a low income area and having crime isnt discrimination. Most crime is black on black in America. Its poverty and the instability it breeds. Instability is in the form of single parent homes with low income, drugs, a sense of hopelessness. The gangs replace family and give children a sense of purpose. Also teen age boys do things like that just to be daring and cool. they have alot of destructive energy. Thats why the military wants 18 year olds and not 30 year olds.
You should go to the library and use the census reports for your area and find where the nice neighborhoods are. You can even see the racial makeup of those neighborhoods. Then ask the librarian to show you a splatter diagram of where the crime is in the city and stear clear of it. Then join a church and grow a support network for yourself and children.
2008-02-29 3:43 pm
Try and get a move, when you are around people like that there isnt much you can do. Good luck. x
2008-02-29 3:43 pm
move eh, not all this country is bad
2008-02-29 3:45 pm
Speak to your local Authorities and make sure you can record any evidence, write all things that happen. Keep a log.
Sorry to hear people are so ignorant.
All the best.
2016-11-30 10:50 am
i think of it is via the fact some cities have the flair of helping an more desirable inhabitants. of direction that is not purely black human beings living in cities, besides the shown fact that there is often a huge form of black human beings living in cities. besides that I additionally think of that racism has alot to do with it, and stigmatization. Black human beings are often times stigmatized as living in cities because of the fact of statistical intense crime expenses. i'm conversing related to the suburbs detrimental concept that some cities are a foul place to stay, so as that they not in undemanding terms attempt to maintain the city contained by using jacking up their sources values. i think of thats why alot of black human beings do not pass out of the city. the city is likewise a candy place to strengthen up in. Like NYC, or Rochester, the place i'm from. which is additionally why. Cuz the suburbs suc.ok
2008-02-29 3:56 pm
I doubt they are prejudice, they treat everyone that badly, so you are just the most recent victim. I would take the approach to treat them as they treat you. If they steal your rims, I would go and steal their car and sell it. If they hit your kids, I would run them over in your car. That'll fix em good. If that doesnt work, put in a webcam and most all their crack whores on the internet.
2008-02-29 3:54 pm
Talk to some of the people you know in the area and start a Neighbourhood watch, that way people will look out for each other. Contact your local cops and they will help whoever will be willing to be the leader. Don't worry most people walk around with their eyes and ears closed pretending they cannot see or hear anything that is why it is so good to know there are those who would stand up against the thugs. You should have phoned the police, do so next time and i hope you won't be too scared anymore. :)
2008-02-29 3:54 pm
It's not you it's them.Some people find a reson to bother anyone, they need to get a life.
Unfortunately it seams to me you can only move to another house, if your house is a council property you should have better chances by telling them you fear for your children. did you mention it to the police?
Good luck doll,
2008-02-29 3:54 pm
you will have to move the police will do nothing they will have to catch the people doing something wrong, ha ha ha theres more chance of peace in iraq. the police will tell you to get evidence for them then go to court and give evidence against these little scumbags so the end result will be you have done all the police work for them you will have given the evidence to convict them, they will walk out of court with a conditional dischage and told to keep out of trouble, they will then smash your windows of your house and car, paint racist graffiti on your house and car, the police will then tell you to catch them again doing it and eventually you will have to move to another area, because underage scum rule the streets the police just drive around them, mps dont have to walk them and normal good people are not allowed to walk them.
2008-02-29 3:50 pm
Contact your local Asian Community, perhaps they may have some advice for you which would be better because they know the local area.

Meantime, hold your head up high! Be proud, but not aloof. Nobody has the right to judge you for your nationality or your marital status. Racial discrimination is illegal.

Remember also that the car trims might have been random and would have happened whatever culture you are.
2008-02-29 3:43 pm
call the cops and aks them
or...they ain't any association against racism you could call?
2008-02-29 3:46 pm
well, lets be realistic. nobody is out to get you or to do anything to your children . . .
i think you have some issues, mental health and insecurities that you need to figure out and, maybe even depression.
people in your community might not like you but it doesnt mean they will hurt you, after all you're just a mum with kids nothing so bad or special....
i suggest you get therapy or see a councillor before you drive your kids mad by telling them someone is out to get them or hurt them and hates them...
it will also be good for yourself.

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