
2008-03-01 7:19 am
貓最喜歡吃的東西是什麼?fish or what what what?????????????????????

回答 (3)

2008-03-01 12:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
魚, 雞肉啦, 同埋有 '醒' 味o的都鍾意, 我一星期都會比魚罐頭佢地食, 亦有時會烚蝦比佢地食啦
我有時就會比 ~ 蝦乾, 瑤柱
咁有時我食咩, 佢都會黎聞下, 八掛下o的...
但主要都係食: 魚同雞o的食物為主啦
2008-03-02 7:00 am
2008-03-01 7:32 am
My cat loves canned or granulated cat food of tuna or tuna with other kinds of meat. She doesn't seem to like fresh fish or fish fillets, but then she isn't a greedy cat so she doesn't have the tendency to steal food from my dinner table. She also likes little snacks like cuttlefish. However, every cat has different preferences so you have to find out for yours. Some cats are just so greedy they would snap anything edible. It seems that confining your cat's diet to quality cat food early on in its life would help it develop healthy eating habits so that it will not be tempted by every kind of food and suffer from obesity as it gets older.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 19:08:34
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