如何看租車合 約

2008-03-01 12:24 am
有時到外國租車, 都唔知佢係張 invoice 收d 咩費, 問d 職員, 又唔會詳細話你知, 所以好容易比佢收多左, 都唔識駁, 所以請大家幚手將份租車合約解碼

有無人知呀, 請幚忙, 急!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2008-03-06 9:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The usual terms are : Type of Car rented, Beginning Milage for calculation of oil and rental charges (Daily or period, including VAT or not), Rental Deposit which is refundable upon satisfactory delivery of the car, Car insurance, liability or damage compensation rate etc. Please go to the follwing web-sites for more information.

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