US Univeristies - Music degree

2008-02-29 10:01 pm
I am looking for some US universities which have a higher ranking in their
music degree programs, How can I get such information?

I have found from US news that some of the universities ranked as,
for instance, "National univeristy, third pier", what is the meaning of
"third pier"?

Do you have any information in applying the music degree in USA? or, how can I get such details?

Thanks a lot!

回答 (1)

2008-03-06 4:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most US Universities offer only an average quality of music programs. Demand for good music programs are generally low as most college students take music courses merely to fulfill the general education requirement. With that said, you will also need to look at what part of music you would like to specialize. Some universities, like Stanford, Yale, and the likes, focus on a more theorectical approach to music. They basically train their students to become music historians and professors. Other schools like Wheaton, Penn State, Univ of Chicago, Northwestern, and the likes, focus on providing their students with a blend of theories and practical music mastery. This mixtures vary with the school, so you will need to screen throught the requirements available on each schools website.

Another option you should explore is to obtain your degree from one of the specialty schools that focus entirely in music. An excellent choice would be the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. They offer a wonderful program that is very practical and provide their students with just enough theory and history of music. I know because 2 of my friends attended SFCM and was offered a job at the San Francisco Symphony within weeks after graduation. You can checkout their website here:

Here is a list of Universities that offer music programs:

To apply, review the entrance requirements and the prerequisites. You may need to take the TOEFL if you are a foreign student.

As for your question on the US News catergorization, I think you mean TIER and not PIER. Tier 3 universities are grouped together to distinguish them from the Tier 1 and Tier 2 universities. Tier 1 universities are the best, 2 are good, and 3 are average. That allows an easy comparison of universities that are within the same tier...hope this helps and best of luck in your future endevours.

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